“No Thought, No Mind, No Choice — just being Silent, Rooted in Yourself.”- Osho

The Osho No-Mind Meditation Therapy consists of two hours per day, 7 consecutive days. The two hours are divided into two stages of one hour each.

The group is a very important component as well, as the collective effort supports us individually and creates a more concentrated energy - in both stages.

Stage One: "Gibberish".

During the first hour we talk nonsense, making noises and sounds, getting out everything that the mind is saying, everything that we have always wanted to say but have not been able to, because we are educated, civilised, because of society, family, culture - we have the opportunity to do a total catharsis. And we get it out by speaking in a language we don't know - we call this "gibberish". We can shout, laugh, cry, make noises and move our bodies any way we want, making any kind of gestures and movements.

Second Stage: Silence

In the second hour a great silence takes over during which our eyes are closed. We are in absolute silence, collecting all our energy, as if we were returning home.

“No Thought, No Mind, No Choice — just being Silent, Rooted in Yourself.”- Osho

Instructions given by Osho

"Now, the first stage of meditation is to get all the madness out. It is a simple method if you are not cowardly - I mean not civilised. Just gibberish (talk nonsense). Speak a language you don't know, or make sounds and noises, but don't just sit there like a Buddha; that stage comes later."

"Remember, the first stage of meditation is gibberish. And gibberish simply means to bring out all the madness that is already there in the mind, accumulating from centuries...shout, laugh, cry, make noise and gestures with the body. As you get it out, you will see that you are becoming pure light, becoming more vital.... You will be surprised that [in the second stage]... you go into a silence that you have never known before. Only the gibberish has cleansed it. In fact [in this hour], if you put your total energy into it... the more you put into it, the deeper the silence that follows."

"Mind loves the nonessential; it is always hungry for gossip. Something utterly useless, and it listens so attentively."

- Osho
"Mind loves the nonessential; it is always hungry for gossip. Something utterly useless, and it listens so attentively."

- Osho